Islamophobia and the eternal Muslim (by Karina Soemarwoto)

Islamophobia and the Eternal Muslim Karina Soemarwoto, Thu April 24, 2008, Opinion, The Jakarta Post ( Islamphobia and the eternal Muslim - Thu, April 24 2008 - The Jakarta Post ) In his 1922 Munich speech, Hitler stated "It is in the nature of the Jew to destroy and he must destroy. The Jew is harmful to us." Not unlike Wilders's closing message in his film Fitna, stating "Islam wants to rule, submit, and seeks to destroy our Western civilization," or the statement in his article "Enough is Enough: Ban the Koran from Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant: "(Islam) will only bring our country hell and damnation." The week Fitna was released on the Internet, the Indonesian government banned it. However, a common view streaming into The Jakarta Post's Website disagrees with the act. But to judge how tolerable the film truly is, let's ask history. "A moderate Islam does not exist. It does not exist because there is no difference between good Is...