When Education Fails to Cultivate Curiosity (by Karina Soemarwoto)

When Education Fails to Cultivate Curiosity Karina Soemarwoto Leiden, The Netherlands / Wed, May 14 2008 / Opinion, The Jakarta Post With articles, opinions and other writings that have appeared in The Jakarta Post since National Education Day (May 2) and The Jakarta Post Weekender titled "Education Interrupted", one might reflect back on our education systems and schooling methods. For a nation with plenty of intelligent citizens, some having acquired awards in international Olympiads, why is there still a widening gap between its development and that of other nations ahead of us? Let's look for a flaw and identify its contribution in forming this gap. It is not an unfamiliar case when students are required to memorize exact definitions of difficult vocabulary as is noted in a specific dictionary when learning a language. Of course it becomes laborious when one comes across yet other unfamiliar terms in a definition, let alone to even consider ...