Help Indonesian Engineers out of Illegality

Help Indonesian Engineers out of Illegality! Bambang I. Soemarwoto, Leiden, The Netherlands, 31 October 2020 While the voices opposing and supporting the omnibus law still linger in the wake of mass protests against it, one may contemplate the silence towards the engineering licensure bill passed in 2014. The two bills reflect Indonesia’s ambition to become a global leading nation, beyond surviving global competition. Both are crucial for Indonesia to benefit from the upcoming demographic bonus, where the alternative would be a mass unemployment of incompetent population. The main thrust of a licensure in engineering anywhere in the world is ensuring public health, safety and welfare. It defines engineering profession and describes requirements that need to be fulfilled to practice engineering. That’s about it in a nutshell. But, the term engineering encompasses a broad range of disciplines and roles in various activities and processes. Requiring a licensure to each one of th...