Quarantine hotels: when opportunity meets opportunism
Quarantine hotels: when opportunity meets opportunism Bambang Soemarwoto, a resident of the city of Leiden, the Netherlands (A shortened and edited version is published as an op-ed in in the Jakarta Post on 22 December 2022 ) The progression of omicron is another evidence that we are still very much riding the pandemic roller-coasters. Each ride has its own theme and setting. Every turn, climb and dive in covid cases and measures brings an alternate mixture of hope, despair, confidence, doubt, relief, anxiety, trust and distrust. It impacts different persons differently. Let me give you a glimpse into our ride recently. My wife and I both have a decent job in the Netherlands. Our immediate relatives live in Indonesia. Yes, you guessed it right, it is a family theme in a cross-border setting. We belong to a large group of people on our beloved planet who are attached to two countries simultaneously. In the autumn, the covid numbers in the Netherlands and Indonesia were both ...