Decolonizing Research This is an unedited version of the op-ed published in The Jakarta Post for the 77th commemoration of the Independence Day . Another year in the journey of independence has passed. We have all the reasons to celebrate it with joy like every year. Social media are flooded with happy faces, culinary delicacies and natural beauties, all presented in a red-and-white theme. Yet, one source of dissatisfaction seems to remain persistent. It concerns a perceived lack of association with the developed world in terms of science and technology. This year Indonesia assumes the prestigious G20 presidency, but one may wonder if the status of being one of the largest economies can be attributed to the knowledge possessed by the nation. It is the kind of knowledge that should be uniquely present within the Indonesian society, which determines the significance of the role that Indonesia plays in international relations. One focus of attention, so it seems as it is ...