Merdeka belum Mandiri

Merdeka belum mandiri Menuju tiga perempat abad sejak proklamasi kemerdekaan 1945, di tengah globalisasi yang makin menerabas sendi-sendi kehidupan, makna nasionalisme perlu direnungkan kembali dalam konteks mutakhir. Dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan di masa lalu landasan nasionalisme lebih mudah dikenal: beragam suku di berbagai wilayah Indonesia berada di bawah cengkraman satu penjajah yang sama. Semua merasakan ketidakadilan, kesengsaraan dan penderitaan yang serupa. Bung Hatta menulis: From the very beginning Indonesian nationalism was not determined by identical origin, identical language or identical religion, but had its basis in the realization of various component parts that they formed one entity with a common destiny and purpose. Under the Dutch colonial domination, which lasted for more than 300 years, the different ethnic groups in the former Netherlands Indies became aware of sharing the same identity. It is this phenomenon that provided the base for Indonesian nationalism an...