
Showing posts from September, 2021

Uwa's story

 Uwa's story (For those not familiar with the Dutch society struggling with the colonial past, there is an on-going research on the war of independence in Indonesia in the period of 1945-1949. In contrast to the Dutch society who has a rooted writing culture, orality is much more prevalent within the Indonesian society. The unfavourable consequence is that historical accounts fade away with the passing of generations. This blog post and an earlier one ( Aki's story ) are just a small contribution to preserve the Indonesian perspectives from first hand authentic accounts. I got in touch with one of the research leaders when I wrote a book commemorating 100 years of higher engineering education in Indonesia, and I am privileged to have an opportunity to correspond with him since then, amongst others through this letter below).  Dear, After reading the section " getuigen & tijdgenoten " I am not sure if what I am about to tell you here falls under this category. In...

Cerita Aki: sekilas Pengalaman dalam Perang Kemerdekaan 1945-1949

Cerita Aki: Sekilas Pengalaman dalam Perang Kemerdekaan 1945-1949 Surat otentik dari seorang Aki (Kakek dalam bahasa Sunda) yang ditulis untuk cucunya (ketika itu masih remaja ) yang tinggal di negeri Belanda. Setelah Perang Dunia II selesai pada tahun 1945 dengan menyerahnya Jepang  kepada Sekutu, Indonesia diduduki oleh tentara Inggris sebagai transisi untuk  dikembalikan kepada Belanda. Tetapi pada 17 Agustus 1945 Sukarno-Hatta atas  nama Rakyat Indonesia memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Belanda  tidak mau mengakui kemerdekaan Indonesia. Belanda ikut dengan tentara  Inggris mendarat di Indonesia. Terjadilah konflik senjata antara Indonesia  dengan Belanda. Kedudukan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia di Jakarta makin  terjepit. Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX menyatakan Kasultanan Yogyakarta  sebagai bagian Republik Indonesia dan menawarkan Yogyakarta sebagai tempat  kedudukan pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Tawaran ini diterima dan  pemer...

Aki's story: experience in brief during the 1945-1949 War of Independence

Aki's story: experience in brief during the 1945-1949 War of Independence   This is a translation of an authentic letter written by Aki (Grandpa in Sundanese) to his grand daugher (at that time was still a teen-ager) who resides in the Netherlands. The original letter is written in Indonesian . After World War II was finished in 1945 with Japan's surrender to the Allies,  Indonesia was occupied by British troops in a transition to be returned to the  Dutch. But on August 17, 1945 on behalf of the Indonesian people  Sukarno-Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence. The Netherlands did not want to  recognize Indonesian independence. The Dutch joined with British troops  landing in Indonesia. What followed was an armed conflict between Indonesia  and the Netherlands. The position of the Government of the Republic of  Indonesia in Jakarta was increasingly squeezed. Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX  declared Yogyakarta Sultanate as part of the Republic ...