Doublet Guest House in Bandung for Rent / Sale

I have been living abroad, now for almost 25 years in Holland. Our daughter likes to write, and last year she expressed her feelings of growing up abroad:

... As many diasporic souls will understand, memories of what was, and imaginations of what could or will be, only amplify a certain longing for return. We did not leave Indonesia out of political or economic danger, yet the kind of longing and piercing sense of displacement that one might be reminded of when listening to iconic Lebanese singer Fairuz, linger in the background of everyday life.

A sense of “temporariness” and collective nostalgia is instilled within the souls and minds of younger generations who are raised abroad. Every time elders gather; they speak of their imaginations of “home”. Retiring, “back home”. Being buried, “back home”. Sending hard-earned wages, “back home”, to build houses that further fuel their hopes of return.

A twin two-story townhouse, with seven bedrooms for the children and grand-children, two kitchens and a quarter for the maids, drivers, gardeners, and other domestic helpers. Dreams and nostalgia live on through what becomes empty mansions, and is passed on even to those with no memories of Indonesia...

Yes, you guessed it right, that happened to me too, building a twin house in Bandung to prepare for the future. The twin house was finished some six years ago on a quiet street. The house on the right is for me and my wife, to live an early retirement life. The house on the left is to facilitate our daughter starting her family life, until they would comfortably decide to move out with their children to follow their own path of life.

Twin house in a quiet street with no traffic.

The twin house was designed to grow, with an ample front and back yard, two large terraces at the back, two balconies on the second floor, and two spacious car ports. When we move there, we will build a traditional gazebo in the back yard, for social gathering around a barbeque with extended family and friends!

When the house on the left becomes empty, it will facilitate our hobbies, whatever they are. My wife loves gardening. The back yard of our house in Holland is full of a collection of roses (see above). This hobby can surely be continued in Bandung, perhaps to be enriched with a collection of orchids.

Two large terraces at the back and ample front yard.

We plan to deploy an integrated home-based hospitality, tourism and event service industry. The additional income is nice, but the most important reasons is that it will keep our minds active and healthy. Guided tours, bikers and hikers base and meeting point, and project co-working space are amongst the services and products we will provide. It will be fun to get to know people from around the globe visiting Bandung to explore and enjoy the amazing culture and natural beauty of the surrounding mountains.

We are not in the future yet. So, in the meanwhile, we rented it out for short-term stays through platforms like booking dot com. Spacious, relaxing, quiet, clean, fresh air, ample parking, central location are keywords frequently appear in the review. It was quite successful until the pandemic began.

Two living rooms and two balconies on the second floor.

We make plans and dreams, but life has surprising turns. We are grateful for the blessings it has brought to us. First, my daughter married last year (2022). Second, they found a nice house in the city of Leiden, just 7 minutes' walk away from our house. Third, I have become grandpa last March (2023). It has become clear now that we would rather stay for the rest of our life in Holland; would never come back to Bandung to live there again.

Last January, I contacted an agent to help me sell the house, but he suggested that I should better rent it out first for a longer term like a year, with a contract renewable every year. So, the house is now available for rent, but as far as my concern also for sale.

Buying a house is a very involved process, from searching the property that is right for you and your family, to the financial arrangement that may take a long time. In the meantime, you might have a situation that needs you and your family to relocate to Bandung soon. I am not in an urgent financial situation, so we can offer the best solution for you: “rent first Doublet Guest House for one year and feel it living there. You have at least one year, so take your time before deciding anything. Should you decide to look for another property that might better suit your need, we are also happy for you”.

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